当前最新版本: 1.10.4 (发布日期:2024-10-30)
反馈问题:发现bug请在github 发issue
An powerful enhanced toolkit of SpringJdbc for simplify development
MiniDao 是一款轻量级JAVA持久层框架,基于 SpringJdbc + freemarker 实现,具备Mybatis一样的SQL分离和逻辑标签能力。Minidao产生的初衷是为了解决Hibernate项目,在复杂SQL具备Mybatis一样的灵活能力,同时支持事务同步。
项目名 | 中文名 | 备注 |
minidao-pe-framework | 架构核心包 | |
minidao-code-generate | 代码快速生成 | |
minidao-pe-spring-boot-starter | spring-boot2 starter | |
minidao-pe-example | 示例代码 |
数据库 | 支持 |
MySQL | √ |
Oracle、Oracle9i | √ |
SqlServer、SqlServer2012 | √ |
PostgreSQL | √ |
DB2、Informix | √ |
MariaDB | √ |
SQLite、Hsqldb、Derby、H2 | √ |
达梦、人大金仓、神通 | √ |
华为高斯、虚谷、瀚高数据库 | √ |
阿里云PolarDB、PPAS、HerdDB | √ |
Hive、HBase、CouchBase | √ |
public interface EmployeeDao {
@Arguments({ "employee"})
@Sql("select * from employee")
List<Map<String,Object>> getAll(Employee employee);
@Sql("select * from employee where id = :id")
Employee get(@Param("id") String id);
@Sql("select * from employee where empno = :empno and name = :name")
Map getMap(@Param("empno")String empno,@Param("name")String name);
@Sql("SELECT count(*) FROM employee")
Integer getCount();
int update(@Param("employee") Employee employee);
void insert(@Param("employee") Employee employee);
public MiniDaoPage<Employee> getAll(@Param("employee") Employee employee,@Param("page") int page,@Param("rows") int rows); }
SELECT * FROM employee where 1=1
<#if employee.age ?exists>
and age = :employee.age
<#if employee.name ?exists>
and name = :employee.name
<#if employee.empno ?exists>
and empno = :employee.empno
public class Client {
public static void main(String args[]) {
BeanFactory factory = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
EmployeeDao employeeDao = (EmployeeDao) factory.getBean("employeeDao");
Employee employee = new Employee();
String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "").toUpperCase();
employee.setSalary(new BigDecimal(5000));
employee.setBirthday(new Date());